Pet Care requires a lot of knowledge and meticulousness

⛔Pet Care requires a lot of knowledge and meticulousness, Lanlan Pet is always ready to provide knowledge to help you take care of your puppies better.
💢 Special course for 9-year-old special boy from Nha Trang, even can’t speak Vietnamese fluently
He patiently participated in a 1-week Pet Care course to learn how to take care of a dog before his parents bought it for him.
➡Understand the need to equip customers with knowledge of pet care We are delighted to welcome you to the “Pet Care” courses to equip you with the full knowledge of how to take care of a small dog before taking them home to take care of yourself.
➡️”Taking a small dog home to take care of” – it is a feeling of joy as preparing to be a parent of a small dog, but also the most difficult task that each of us needs to undertake.
✅The first few months of being home is a great time for a small dog, but it is always a time filled with difficulties for their parents.
✅You flutter when the dog starts a new life at a new home
✅ You do not know what to feed your puppy so nutritious and suitable for your puppy’s development …
✅ You miserable do not know how to wash, how to bathe your dog …
✅ You worry when your dog eats less, makes a lot of noise, coughs, or has a bowel movement, etc.
➡️ The course “CARE AND CARE FOR VETERINARY CARE IN THE FIRST FIRST MONTHs” will provide scientific information, fully updated on:
✅The golden rule when taking care of a small dog
✅How to solve difficulties when cleaning and bathing the dog
✅Nutrition and activities of the puppy when he comes home
✅Tips for caring for puppies in the first months of life and mistakes to avoid Dog’s normal health problems
💢Hurry up and register for this course at Lanlan Pet to be healthy – a good dog and have a happy first few months of life!
